What is the Most Popular Online Store in your State? | CenturyLink Quote
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The Most Searched Online Shopping Store by State

Last Updated on February 2, 2023 by Zoi Walker

Gone are the days when shoppers would browse through mail-order catalogs when they wanted to peruse merchandise outside of a brick and mortar. Now, you can order milk at 2 am, find a scarf in every pattern imaginable, or purchase rare items from sellers worldwide—all thanks to online shopping. 

Many people bookmark their choices for the best stores to shop online, and chances are your most popular online shopping sites may not be so different from your neighbors’. How can we tell? The team at CenturyLinkQuote.com—an ideal source for an affordable internet connection—has put together a list of the most searched online stores in each state.  

Is your favorite site on our list? Keep reading to find out what’s popular in your state and nationwide. 

Interesting Findings

  • Amazon.com was the top site in the most states at 17 and secured a net income of over 21 billion dollars for 2020. 
  • In 2020, Etsy had over four thousand sellers and was the most searched in nine states.
  • A 2020 survey found that 97% of Etsy seller respondents liked being able to sell from their homes, one of the reasons for the site’s large and diverse seller inventory. 
  • Skincare company Curology has only been around for seven years, but six states searched for it the most. 
  • Out of the 13 online shopping stores we looked at, five were popular in only one state—Zappos, ASOS.com, Wayfair, Overstock.com, and eBay.com. 
  • A global survey from Bazaarvoice found that 74% of people have done less in-person shopping over the past year and a half—a habit that 32% of U.S. shoppers plan to continue in the future. 
  • Revenue from e-commerce in the U.S. amounted to $431.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2020 and is estimated to increase to $563.4 billion by 2025.


The team at CenturyLinkQuote.com assembled a list of 18 online-only retailers. We defined “online-only” status as stores with only temporary pop-up locations or less than 15 brick-and-mortar locations worldwide. 

From there, we used SemRush to discover which 13 online retailers had the highest search volume. We then used Google Trends to determine which store each state has searched for the most in the past year. 

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